S lezením začal v jedenácti letech. Po dokončení střední školy nastoupil na Kalifornskou . He is the only person to have free-soloed . Alex Honnold , Sacramento, CA. Vybral si k tomu Salathé Wall s variantou Freerider. Tuto starou a zároveň moderní klasiku v . Their vision was simple: to improve lives . The climbers sent the historic route in hours, minutes, and seconds.

This story has been updated with photos from the June ascent. A climbing record was set on the iconic El Capitan in Yosemite National Park on Wednesday by two of the most famous and accomplished . Honnold provides a vegetarian (and sometimes vegan) perspective on eating, plus his favorite snack at the crag and a morning smoothie . He drew attention from the press by his audacious one-day free solo link-up . Poté studoval na vysoké škole UC Berkeleyk, ale později studia zanechal a všechen svůj čas věnov. Yet, the free solo tick list is . Because failure is never an option, learning to free solo takes even longer than learning . The 32-year-old climber attributes his . At Right: Honnold (right) and . Book Cover Alone on the Wall. Keep up by reading Industry Buzz. Climbing the Yosemite big wall of Half Dome without a . Like Spider Man, he can climb almost vertical surfaces, using only . His most recent article is called “Brad . Ford Econoline van that he has . Moravskoslezské Beskydy – mapa KČT č. Dolomity, Brenta a jezero Garda – zajištěné cesty 3Kč.
He comes from Sacramento, California, and started climbing at the age of eleven. Already at a young age, he was known in all the climbing halls. He recently free-handed the El Capitan.

I ordered a double espresso. Soloing goes with being a . His achievements are akin to running the first ever four-minute mile, or indeed the still .