Opus magnum steam
Items included in this package. Indie, Puzzle, Programming, Simulation. Price of individual products: $19. Discover an exceptional world where alchemy is a part of life.
Blend salt with elemental water to create products.
Struggle through your alchemical discovery, . Based on Steam version of the game. Create and share your opus magnum ! Nothing to see here, move along. The site also differs from Steam in the level of curation.
OPUS MAGNUM is an open-ended puzzle game. Save money and find the best deal. Temporary regular price raises can be caused by inaccuracies in the Steam Store .
Coming to Steam on October 19th! System requirements including all three OSes in their Steam page. PC marketplaces like Steam and the Humble Store. Helpful Links: Unofficial Zachtronics Discord.
Použijte alchymii na výrobu užitečných předmětů stažení externí Placená 14. Opus Magnum , by Zachtronics. Použite alchýmiu na výrobu užitočných predmetov stiahnutí externé Platená 14. Sandbox puzzler by Spacechem creator. …